Winters Winding Down

Finishing up the winter season, as I sit here listening to Flip Pallot extol the virtues of glades Tarpon on the Walkers Cay Chronicles. I’m drawn back to the winter redfish season. This year wound down a little earlier than usual. Warm temperatures and unprecedented water levels in the Mississippi river conspired to work against a long season this year. In spite of these conditions and a few other unforeseen challenges we managed a ton of incredible days fly fishing. Almost every trip a new personal best redfish was fought. Some days the redfish were more numerous than others. But, big fish were fought and landed every day. I’ve come to appreciate the days when conditions are not as favorable and the fly fishing is more technical. It just makes it that much sweeter when you find success. From redfish to waterfowl the entire food chain will benefit from the hardship of this winter, and should produce what promises to be an epic season this coming fall.

Looking forward, fishing opportunities abound. I intend to spend the summer working the far western edge of Louisiana. Fly fishing for redfish in and around the Sabine National Wildlife Refuge. This 500,000 acre inland waterway, much of it as or more remote than Eastern Louisiana plays host to endless fly fishing opportunities. Besides the tremendous redfishing, speckled trout, and flounder are numerous as well. And of course, on those calm days when the winds are light. We will work the beaches and near shore waters out front in search of Tripletail, Kings, Snapper, and the elusive Tarpon. If you are interested in exploring this incredible and mostly untouched fishery give me a call.

This year I’ve used Instagram exclusively as my photo blog. At the bottom of each page on this site you can click on camera icon. The link will take you directly to my IG account where you can view all of the action from recent trips. I’m also in the process of upgrading to a new skiff in the coming months. I am excited at the prospect of working with a new skiff to get us to and from the fishing grounds a little faster and drier on those days the weather is less than hospitable.

If you are planning on making a trip this fall there is no time like now to get on the books. Airfare has been very inexpensive over the last few weeks. I’ve been checking regularly in anticipation of an upcoming Tarpon trip. Booking early will ensure you get your preference of dates. Check back regularly for updates on the upcoming season or feel free to call me anytime. Fishing reports are free and I’ll be happy to give you some pointers for your next trip. I hope to see you in Cajun Country for the fly fishing adventure of a lifetime. - JLW